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Thoughts & Inspiration

“They’re yours.”

This weekend I had an encounter with the Father.

Instead of being able to just tell you about it verbally, I wish I could take you into the experience.

I wish I could bring you into my memory and show it to you.

But I can’t.

So I’ll do the next best thing.

I’ll paint a picture with my words.

I pray you’ll be as captivated with the Father and His grace as I am.


On Saturday I went to this conference put on by Adventures called “Hearing the Voice of God.” They were teaching about how to hear the Lord’s voice, how to differentiate His Voice from all the other voices we hear on a daily basis. And then we actually put it into practice.

We actually spent more time sitting and listening to the Lord’s voice than we spent hearing from speakers.

It was a beautiful time.


This was the setting for my encounter with the Lord.

The past couple months, I’ve been surrounded by images of keys. And I have had words spoken over me that I’m going to restore truth and bring truth to others–essentially hand them the keys to the Kingdom that I’ve been given so that they can receive the freedom that I’ve experienced first hand.


I’ve always been told that I’m an image-bearer–that I carry the Lord’s Spirit and His image wherever I go–that people see Christ in me and through me.

But this weekend, the Lord made it clear to me that I am a Key-Bearer.

I have the power and ability to unlock chains.

I carry the Keys of the Kingdom.

And because I carry those Keys, I’ve been given responsibility.


I mean, think about it.

If you hand your car keys to someone, you expect them to take care of your car. You’re entrusting them with something you care about.


Jesus has handed each of us the Keys to the Kingdom.

He’s entrusted that to us.  

[Matthew 16:19 “And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.”]

He trusts us to make wise decisions on who we seek out.

On who we offer this freedom to.

On who we make copies of the Keys for and hand them out.


The thing about these Keys is that they now belong to me and you.

They belong to us.

And we can give them to anyone who wants them.


“They’re yours. I’ve given you the Keys to the Kingdom. Take them. Bring life to others through them.”


Take your Keys.

Use them wisely.

Bring life.

Bring freedom.

Bring love.