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On My Way Home

One morning last week I woke up singing a song: “On My Way Home” by Pentatonix. 

I’ve recently started listening to Pentatonix, as in since August. I do really enjoy their music, but I don’t necessarily listen to them all the time. 

So when I woke up singing this song, I was surprised. I mean, it’s a great song. But I hadn’t listened to it for a few weeks. So I didn’t know where it was actually coming from.

I listened to it for a while that day–letting the words wash over me and letting the Lord speak to me about it. I really felt like He had something He wanted to give me–insight or a word. Something.

As I just sat with it, I kept hearing the bridge on repeat:

“All my life, I’ve been running,
Running and I’m on my way.
All my life, I’ve been running.”

I keep thinking back to training for the half marathon. Sometimes it felt like I would never stop running. Those miles just kept piling up. And the hours I spent running sometimes felt like they would never end. 

But I was dedicated. I wanted to see it through. 

And then the Lord started reminding me about my time on this earth–how it’s a race. Sometimes my pace is faster than others. But all of my life, I’m running. 

I’m running towards Him.

I’m running towards home. 

I’m dedicated. I want to see this race through. I want to see how He’s going to use all my training for His glory–to build His Kingdom. 

So let’s keep running. 

Running after the things of the Kingdom.

Running after our King. 

Because after all, He’s the one who sets the pace. He knows just how much we can push ourselves. So there will be seasons of sprinting, and seasons of speed-walking, or even a leisurely pace. But through it all, we follow the pace He sets for us in that time. And we run the race with all endurance.