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Who Am I?

In one of the courses I’m taking, we’re learning that to have a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord, you really need to know yourself. You have to be willing to admit the things you like, the things you don’t like, and recognize your emotions. It’s been really good to continue to dive deep into self-discovery and pushing to find out how the Lord speaks to me and pursues me through the way He intimately created me. 

In honor of what I’m learning, this is a [photo] blog about different things that make me, well, me. And there will be things at the end that aren’t me. So. Here we go!

1. I love sunrises. Sitting and watching the sunrise, or catching it as I’m driving on the way to work. Whatever. They stir up some deep emotions within my heart. 

2. Acting or just being goofy around my closest friends. I love talking in accents and just being a participant in my own life–choosing to be in every opportunity the Lord gives me. It’s fun.

3. I am a creative. I know that I need to paint, color, or draw to release some of the things the Lord has placed inside me–to experience Him more fully.


4. I love deep friendships. I can’t help it. I love to dive deep with a select few–encourage them, pursue them, laugh with them, cry with them, and celebrate with them.

5. I love being on the water. Whether on a boat or kayaking. There’s something relaxing about gliding over the surface of the water.

6. ROLLER COASTERS!!! They’re my jam. 

7. L Squad. Yep. These #39hotwheels are my family and downloaded a lot of revelations to me along our journey together. I carry them in my heart, now and always.

8. I’m a daughter. Both of my earthly parents and my Papa. This is a HUGE part of who I am.

9. I am a giver of gifts. (Especially food-gifts.) I love making things and then giving them away, to provide for others, but also to remind them that I think they’re special to me. The best way to anyone’s heart is through their stomach, right?

10. I love card games! 

11. Sitting quietly in the Presence of the Lord. I am a Mary–a lover of sitting at His feet.

12. I am a worshiper. 

13. I am a cook–making food in the kitchen is what I do. Not just to feed people. But to bring joy, laughter, good conversation, and a safe place to be who you truly are in my home. 

14. Funny-face picture taker. Sometimes the camera just calls to me–begging me to make faces at it. 

15. I am a lover of all things Disney!

16. I have been, and will always be, a dog lover. Big or small (but mostly big). Puppy or Old. I just love dogs. And I can’t wait till I’m able to get one of my own. I actually have my eye on a dog at the rescue….

17. I am a sister. 

18. I’m a crafter. I love creating fun things…like these sock snowmen!

19. Chinese/Asian food is my favorite. You better believe that when I was in Asia I ate as much of it as I could. Pad Thai in Thailand, man, the best.

20. I love berries of every sort. But this picture isn’t necessarily about the berries. It’s about taking small moments out of each day to savor what the Lord is doing, to seize the small opportunities.

21. I love being amazed at the night sky. Staring at the stars or watching amazing light shows, it doesn’t matter. 

22. Balloon Fiesta. Enough said.

23. I love baking and decorating cupcakes. And then giving them away. 

24. I love truck rides. Especially when I get to ride in the very back of the truck. Bonus points if I get to stand up while it’s going on. 

25. Bonfires. They’re beautiful and full of warmth. And they give us all the light at night we need. 

26. Call me crazy. But I like Spam. (I’m not the only one who does though!)

27. I love travelling. I love seeing new places and exploring ancient ruins. Take me anywhere. I’ll be happy.

28. I pose with statues. It makes me happy, even if I look like a goofball. 

29. Mountain-scapes. 

30. I like coffee dates, tea dates, drink dates, dinner dates, etc. It’s around the table, of any sort, that good conversation happens.

31. I love watching sunsets. Especially when I get to watch it with others.

32. Cake Pops. This goes along with baking, cupcakes, and all things kitchen. I love being creative in this area.

33. I love candy corn. Probably more than you could ever imagine.


34. I never used to be a runner. But I am now. The season I’m in currently just doesn’t allow me to be able to run. But, I will be getting back to it as soon as I can.

35. I love trying new things. It can be a new food. It can be a new experience. I will try anything at least once, to see if I like it or if it’s just not for me. I love to adventure in this way.

36. Diet Cherry Limeades from Sonic. (Especially when there’s extra lime wedges and cherries at the bottom.) 

37. I love listening to vinyls. It’s the best way to enjoy an album.

38. Books. Hi, my name is Bekah, and I’m a book reader and collector. I collect children’s books, mostly, so that I can give them to my children someday.

39. Hello salsa! Chips and salsa are essential in my life. I love it. So much.

40. I love the holiday season. Because it’s filled with family gatherings. I love my family so much. And it’s just not the same without spending an abundance of time with my sweet family.


What’s not me:

1. Large group games or get-to-know-you exercises. I always feel super uncomfortable. They make me want to shrink against a wall.

2. I am not a fan of large parties with lots of people I don’t know. When it’s crowded, loud, and unfamiliar, I become a wall flower.

3. I am not a fan of the beach. I mean, I’ll go for an afternoon. But I’m not a beach vacation-type. I don’t like the sand very much. I’m not a huge fan of swimming in the ocean. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s beautiful and I enjoy looking at it. But I just don’t like spending loads of time at it.

4. Tenting really isn’t my thing. I enjoy hiking, spending some time in nature. But, I just don’t care for the tenting-it-up-thing.

5. I dressed up last year for Halloween for the first time in yeeeeaaarrrs. And even then, I didn’t feel like I was being myself. I just don’t like dressing up for Halloween. 

6. I don’t like scary/horror movies. At all. They’re not okay. 

[I’m not posting a picture of any of those types of movies on here.]

7. I don’t like high heels. I don’t like standing above people. 


8. College–it’s not for me. It’s not what the Lord has for me. And it’s taken me a while to truly admit that and not to feel ashamed for not having a degree. 

9. I. do. not. like. mud. It’s icky. And gross. And I squeal every time I have to trudge through it.

10. It’s not that I don’t like dairy. Because I do. But it’s just not good for me. I’m lactose intolerant. So I can’t eat it.



That’s all, my friends, until next time. 

Now you know a little bit more about me!